Ms. Bidet Was Here

I consume oodles of home renovation shows and TV in general so it’s no surprise to me that I often learn life lessons from there. Any one of my good friends will readily tell you about instances where I’ve chimed in a deep conversation to drop a jewel culled from The Dog Whisperer, Seinfeld, Dr. Drew Celebrity Rehab and so on.

So the other night I was watching HGTV and a husband and wife were considering selling their home or having an interior designer re-do some spaces. At one point in the process the interior designer tells the couple there may not be room for the requested bidet when the bathroom is redone. Then the camera does a close up of the wife and she states icily that she won’t live in the house if there isn’t a bidet.  That’s when I stopped typing and gave hundred percent of my attention to the screen. Did she say she wasn’t going to live in a house that her new husband already owned if there was no bidet? Yes she did and was giving a steady glare right into the eye of the camera. Wow.

I almost immediately thought to myself that I certainly had been Ms. Bidet and on numerous occasions. Just totally belligerent and fixed about something that I refused to see beyond. I couldn’t have thought of a more absurd metaphor for choosing not to grow/change and this one fell right in my lap.

The next day I met a girlfriend for our annual get together (we live on two different continents) and I shared the Ms. Bidet story. I told my friend that I wanted to never be her but I will amend that. I should say that I want to be able to see when I’m turning into Ms. Bidet and choose to take another route.

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