A Poem, A Poem!

Wow, I haven’t been on my blog in like a year (too much other writing). And of course WordPress is different again. Anyway, today I was reading some poetry and there was a poem about a grandfather and shirts and that immediately reminded me of my grandfather then my grandmother (father’s side). Haven’t written a poem in months but then today this one emerged…and who knows how the line breaks will really appear on here! So far untitled.

You began insistently at the doorway to your bedroom; scent, assorted long sleeved shirts and hats.

There’s a shadow, a caul over this room. It is routine, has pushed out and replaced what once lived here.

This granddaughter’s brain is merciful but my body’s memory pulls in this hallway, at the lip of your open bedroom door in this house.

I haven’t thought of you or grandmother in a while, her ordered sitting room, your widowed bedroom; now a place to simply dress, retire to-hold things.

One response to “A Poem, A Poem!

  1. Found your blog looking for some refs to Djibouti of all things and started browsing around your posts. Like this poem – short and grounded and very much what a lot of us have experienced.

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